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  1. Edison Medical Dental Implants

    Dental Implants

    With across-brand usability being one of the foundation principles at Edison Medical, we have designed a single unique dental implant that is designed for use with four different connection types and more than 50 implant systems. All of EM’s implants are produced using sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA) Ti-6AL-4V-ELI titanium alloy. Each ergonomically packaged implant features a mountless design and comes with its own surgical kit. Read about Edison Medical’s four connections and the implant systems they are fitted for use with below.

    Lamina® Implant

    Our Lamina® implants feature an internal hex connection, which is one of the more popular and well-known connections on the market, and is available in three different diameters, all of which have the same platform (RP 3.5) and hex size. The Lamina® line is designed

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  2. Ti Base Abutment: Advantages, Types, and Management Strategy

    Ti Base Abutment: Advantages, Types, and Management Strategy

    Titanium base abutments have increasingly been utilized in implant dentistry due to their strength, durability, and biocompatibility. Dental professionals need to be aware of the potential for issues. This includes screw loosening and excess cement around the implant soft tissue that can occur with titanium base abutments. Through advancements made in digital workflow technology combined with CAD/CAM fabrication processes these titanium products are becoming more precise which is adding to improved satisfaction from patients on a longer-term basis.

    As research continues to optimize the use of titanium-based abutments, patients and dental professionals need to remain informed to achieve successful outcomes.

    What is the Titanium Base Abutment?

    Titanium base abutments serve as an essential connection between dental implants and their restorations. Using titanium implants

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  3. The Importance of a Healing Abutment in Dental Implants

    The Importance of a Healing Abutment in Dental Implants
    The healing abutment is a crucial component that assists the post-implantation healing process. This modest device ensures the success of dental implant procedures.
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  4. Implant Gauge Indicators

    Implant Gauge Indicators

    Case Planning: A Crucial Step in Implant Dentistry

    The Importance of Pre-Operative Implant Gauge Indicator Use

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  5. MegaGen® Implant Systems

    MegaGen AnyRidge & AnyOne implant

    MegaGen® is a South Korean dental instrument and equipment manufacturer specializing in full restoration systems.

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  6. The Internal Hex Implant Connection and Its Famous Inward Migration

    Internal Hex Connection

    The internal hex implant connection is the most popular dental implant connection on the market today.

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  7. Top Dental Implant Companies: Market Leaders & Innovations in 2022

    Dental Implant Systems

    The dental implant market was valued at $4.38 billion in 2018 and has been projected by several economic reports to reach upwards of $8 billion by 2026

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  8. Pre-Milled Dental Abutment Blanks

    Pre-milled abutment

    The pre-milled abutment blank allows dentists, implantologists and prosthodontists to use their in-house

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  9. Clicq-Pression™ Transfer Abutments vs. Traditional Impression Copings

    Transfer Abutment

    Clicq-Pression™ Transfer Abutments (A Edison Medical™ Innovation) vs. Traditional Impression Copings

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  10. How Dentists Should be Buying Dental Implants in 2020

    dental implants 2020

    Are you buying the right products and in the proper quantities? Are you paying a fair price for them? Do you have your purchasing spread too widely across a variety of suppliers?

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