Case Planning: A Crucial Step in Implant Dentistry
The Importance of Pre-Operative Implant Gauge Indicator Use
The Edison Medical portfolio of dental surgery tools offers a variety of universal implant drivers, drills, ratchets, insertion tools and dental surgery instruments. At EM we believe that there is no such thing as a procedure too difficult, only a lack of proper tools to perform it. Edison Medical’s dental implant tool selection ensures you always have the proper tools, each one designed to facilitate a smooth workflow and carry out every procedure with maximized accuracy and simplicity.
The EM philosophy for facilitating the most accurate and simple procedure is approached from two angles: from the perspective of dental implant component design, and from the perspective of our surgical instrument design.
EM’s implant component design revolves around optimizing across-brand usability. By doing this, EM is able to offer dental professionals the greatest number of restoration solutions while requiring fewer products. This is achieved, for example, by facilitating the placement of select implant components with a standard dental screwdriver, thereby foregoing the need for additional specialized tools for insertion, such as is the case with the Uni-Base™ abutment.
The second angle of the EM philosophy, which entails dental implant tool design, aims to source professionals with a better tool for the restoration process. This is where tools such as the torque ratchet shine. The implant torque ratchet allows you to specify your screw’s required torque and then to tighten the screw to the precise target torque value without excessive force in either direction.
The R&D team at Edison Medical is constantly dedicating its efforts to improving the intuitiveness of its implant component and tool designs to improve the restoration process for both dental professionals and their patients.
Opting for a surgical kit ensures that you are equipped chairside with all the components necessary to complete an entire restoration, from implant placement to prosthesis. Each 34-piece, color-coded kit contains a ratchet driver, multiple implant drill components, hand drivers and motor mounts. Surgical tool kits are available for each of EM’s four implant lines: Arctic®, Lamina®, Fortis® and iOS3®.
Edison Medical is dedicated to superior quality and across-brand usability in all of its products. Every tool is milled from high-grade stainless steel at our production facility in Germany and undergoes rigorous inspection and testing prior to packaging. EM’s dental implant tools are designed to be used with the market’s leading implant systems, including Straumann®, Astra®, Nobel Active® and many more, which means stocking up on all of your implant supplies is possible in a single place, here at Edison Medical.
To get the longest life out of your dental surgery tools, it is important to make sure they are cleaned and sterilized between each use. A proper regimen of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization is recommended. If contamination is suspected, it is recommended to disassemble (where necessary) the tool and clean it thoroughly with cold water and a disinfection brush until residue has been removed.
Dental surgical tools are any tools used to carry out a dental surgery, such as implant drivers, drills, ratchets, and insertion tools.
Case Planning: A Crucial Step in Implant Dentistry
The Importance of Pre-Operative Implant Gauge Indicator Use
** Disclaimer: Registered trademarks are owned by their respective companies and there is no commercial relationship with the Edison Medical™ brand. Its mention is made for proper identification purposes of the dental implant with which the Edison Medical™ abutments can be used. Please see EM Implant disclaimer.
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