
Xi-Nex Is  Changing the Way We Deal With Dental Anxiety.

Going to the dentist for many of us is not always the most joyes affair.

In fact 9-12 percent of all Americans do their very best to avoid keeping dentist appointments.

That says A LOT! This ‘condition’ is not restricted to the US only, but a worldwide issue.


It is natural to be apprehensive regarding an upcoming appointment to the dentist, or not really enjoying a dental procedure, and there’s having a full blown phobia.

Dental phobia leaves the patient terrified and in a state of utter panic. Like any phobias, those suffering from it are aware that their fear is completely irrational however are unable to overcome it.

Thus they will do anything in their power to avoid a situation whereby they need to go to the dentist and will eventually, if at all, do so only when they are left with little to no choice (usually due to extreme pain).


How can we recognize Dental Phobia?

  • Issues sleeping before an appointmentXi-Nex Bottle
  • Anxiety regarding anything pertaining to the dentist, a sense of nervousness which gets worse when arriving to the dentist’s office.
  • Feeling extremely anxious when the dentist gets closer or attempts to examine said patient which may result in dizziness, crying, hyperventilating and/ or difficulty to breath.


In order to try and treat patients with Dental Phobia, it is important to understand the reason that caused it in the first place.

Here are some of the more common reasons that may cause Dental Phobia:

  • A serious fear of pain, is an extremely common reason why most people will fear or avoid going to the dentist. This fear is usually caused due to unpleasant prior experiences either by the patient or from stories heard from others.
  • Being anxious regarding injections as part of the procedure may be another factor.
  • A fear of needles is common, let alone when it is aimed for the mouth. But not only is it the fear of the injection, but moreover that the anesthesia won’t work properly and the patient will feel pain during the procedure.
  • A sense of losing control due to the circumstances of not knowing what is being done to you, not being allowed to move while with an open mouth ect’.


Some of the ways to help patients with Dental Anxiety or Phobia can be:

  • Positive reinforcement, encouraging patients upon arrival at an appointment for not canceling, for being cooperative during a procedure and using positive words throughout the visit.
  • Using a signaling method during the procedure, like a ‘safe gesture’ for when they would like to take a break or if something is uncomfortable for them.
  • Communication is key, having a positive open discussion with patients, being kind and calm, refraining from passing judgment, taking the time to explain the procedure and that they are in a safe and friendly environment.


Besides these beneficial methods of assisting patients with Dental Anxiety, there are also a variety of medications out there that too can assist with treating anxieties and phobias.

The more common medication options are:


-Nitrous oxide

-General anesthesia (this option however is less recommended as it is expensive and requires a professional anesthesiologist on location as well as the known risks of undergoing general anesthesia) .


There is ,however, a new product on the market that is an efficient natural solution ( that consists of a plant based formula) which reduces anxiety levels and enables a calm and fearless experience for the patient suffering from Dental Anxiety or Phobia.

XI-Nex is a natural product, consisting of important bio active substances which assists in its ability to help patients when dealing with anxiety and panic attacks associated with dental procedures.

We welcome you to learn more about Xi-Nex on our website and to suggest it to potential patients before and after dental implant procedures.